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Well, what do you know. I go away on vacation and come back to find my blog site shut down. I come from efx2 and it seems not to exist anymore. What the heck?
I was told this was the place to go. I don't know how to find anyone, there doesn't seem to be a place to search, so I guess I will have to spend some time figuring things out.. I had such an awesome vacation, I really want to blog about it, but what good is that if no one comes to my page? Grrr.,
Hey now that we found each other, I'll be stopping in! I want to hear all about your too! I have a few links in my gutter for EFX people. Will over at a Libertines thoughts has more. He had my e-mail address and wrote to me about EFX crashing. I had a blog here but never used it.
I love the new look....but of course anything with a dog on it must be great!
YAAAAY!!!! I missed ya girl! No worried you just blog about whatever you want, as soon as people start linking to you the others will find you. :)
LMC-This is weird, isn't it? It feels strange over here, but I guess I'll get use to it like everything else in life. But, I want smilies too!!
Kelly--Is there a way for us to know when someone has done a post?
I missed you too, and I wish we could get Windy over here!
Laurie you should see a Subscribe link on the bottom of the main page, under all the posts. Subscribing that way will make a bookmark or email or something.
I've got quite a few links for you to find others on my blog. I'll add you, so others can find you as well.
I hate to be a pain but I switched my blog addy back to my username from efx2. So update your links. :)
Hmm, that link didn't work Kelly.:(
Never mind, I got it!
Glad you had a great time on vacation, Laurie !
This sure is a pain in the ass, isn't it ?
kingofankh, welshpixie and myself have been collating links - as have a lot of other people here. Pop over to my place and you will find a lot of people, go to them and they will have more. (links on my right hand side)
There is also a nifty email subscription tool available that king and i have, people can also subscribe by the rss or atom feed at the bottom of your main page.
really really great to see you, i'm glad your holiday was fantastic, and at the moment we are all hoping the efx2 situation is temporary.
ah, forgot to say, kingofankh has emails from keith posted about the situation.
it seems the efx2 code was compromised and there was a phishing scam being run from under their noses - the site was shut down by the people hosting the server. Keith hopes that the content is safe and that there may be a claean start for the whole community else where.
I was so relieved to see you here. I have been wondering where you and Lisa were. : )
Welcome back from your vacation.
Hi Laurie,I am glad you and so many others are on the blog and I am very much interested in your holiday, sorry vacation! I am in Australia now, and will be staying till the 8th of October.
Whew! Good to see you here! Gotcha linked, too. So - about that vacation... love your basset hound - he's soooo cute!!
I know how those people feel in the Lifetime movies when they're finally reunited with their families.
I missed you while you were gone!
Yep Cam, is is. But your page seems to be coming along nicely. Take your time, I'm stressing less by leaving it alone for awhile and then coming back later. :);)
Wozza- I tried the subscription thingy on Kings blog, got it all made, but haven't been able to figure out how to put it on my blog. Oh well! I'm glad you found me!
Wozza- that would be great if they can fix it enough to use it again. I miss it already.~sniff~
deejay--Thanks! I'm so happy to be finding everyone. If efx starts up again, it's good to know we all have a place to meet up if it goes down again! Yay!
Wil--I'll bet you're having the time of your life! I'm glad I found you here.
Kimmi--Isn't he cute? He looks just like mine, only much younger, mine is fat!
Demetrius---The same thing happened when modblog went down, we all found each other again at efx2. Now That is family!! ~smile~
Well I'm not having too much ambition so far, maybe that'll change, we'll
hello laurie. glad to find you here!
I'm glad you found me lizzie!
i know! i am really freaking out because i have no friggin' idea as to what happened...i'm trying to figure everything out, but it's really not working! wah!!!!!
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